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Setting up the app

If you're using use-herald-action in a private organization, you'll need to follow additional instructions to set up and install a GitHub App in your organization.

This app itself doesn't actually do anything. It exists only so that we can generate a client secret with permissions that enable use-herald-action to do things like mention private teams and team members within your organization.

Find your GitHub organization's name


Determine the name of the organization in which you want to set up this app by going to Settings > Organizations in the GitHub UI.

At the bottom of this page, you'll be able to enter the name of your organization to kick off the setup flow.

GitHub settings graphic

Enter your password


Once you've submitted your organization name, you'll be redirected to GitHub.

There, you might be asked to provide your password to verify that it's actually you.

GitHub password graphic

Name and create the app


Here, we've filled in the app name for you with [<org-name>] Use Herald Action App.

Of course, you have the option to name it whatever you like, as long as it's unique.
GitHub will let you know if another app has the same name as what you want.

GitHub app creation graphic

Look out for the error message: You don't have permission to create apps for <org-name>. You may still create this app for your own account.

If this happens, double check that you both spelled your organization correctly and have the necessary permissions to install apps in your organization.

Follow post-setup instructions


If all goes well, you should be directed to a set of post-setup instructions.


Start by entering your organization's name here!